"Your steadfast love, O LORD, extends to the heavens, Your faithfulness to the clouds. Your righteousness is like the mountains of God; Your judgements are like thee great deep; man, and beast You save, O LORD. How precious is your steadfast love, O God! The children of mankind take refuge in the shadow of your wings. They feast on the abundance of your house, and you give them drink from the river of your delights. For with You is the fountain of life; in your light do we see light." - Psalm 36: 5-9
How do you feel connected, love and accepted from others? I was once active-duty military, and so often when someone would learn that piece about me, they would ask me the following question: “do you happen to know John Doe?” There might have been a time or two over the past 26 years when I could say, “yes!”, however, it was usually “no”. Being apart of military often led people to think you had instant knowledge of their family and friends, connection.
The reality is, I would have to meet every single member of the military (all branches) to have that vast knowledge and connection. While we humans crave connection and it’s the connection to Jesus that ultimately satisfies that internal craving. We don’t have to know all people to be connected to Him, we just must know Him!
The only way for us to know Christ Jesus is to get connected to Him through His Word. So many people in this world have yet to hear His Word or read it! They truly desire that divine connection. Are you desiring His divine connection too? His word tells us about His steadfast love and how far it extends. The best thing about this is that Christ Jesus desires connection with you. So much that He pursues you and asks, “do you know Me?”
Unlike being asked if I know another military member from any given branch and any year, we are only being asked, “do you know Me?” by the One who truly cares for us.
Knowing Jesus gives you the connection that is eternal. The comfort and safety of many, and the satisfaction of hopes fulfilled in Him. Nothing can replace that.
So, do you know Jesus?
Thank you, LORD, for your son Jesus. Thank you that your love is steadfast and that your faithfulness extends to the clouds! Thank you that you are our refugee and that our hopes are fulfilled by your great love, Jesus. Help us to remember that while we may not always feel connection here on earth, that we do have connection with you through Christ Jesus our Savior. Help us to always feel your presence and love for us, even when it is in the hardest of times. In Jesus’ name, Amen.