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"I Spy, With My Little Eye..."


~ GRACE4US - Blog ~

By: Esther N. Smith   

Perhaps you played the game called, "I Spy" where you say, "I spy, with my little eye...a ( fill in blank)" and your partner would try to guess what it was that you were looking at.

My question to you is, "can you spot someone who has had an abortion?"

Stumped you didn't I? 1 in 4 women will have an abortion before the age of 45. (2)

All to often in our society here in the USA, we "assume" that someone who has had an abortion is of a certain demographic. Perhaps, someone who is in poverty, or is in the career field of "entertainment", or has no moral values. If the person is a teenager, the kids at their school may likely be judgmental towards them and bully them. I too have been on the end where when I was a teen and hearing about a girl having an abortion and saying "Oh my gosh, I can't believe that! I would never!!" However, while all those may be examples of stereotypes, it is not the benchmark for having had an abortion.

Any person experiencing a life-changing and often referred to as, crisis pregnancy, may find themselves pondering the question of abortion. The question doesn't come with a prerequisite of attributes a person must have. It comes up when the person finds themselves in a situation that leaves them scared, feeling alone, uncertain what to do, desperate, and left with all the panic that comes with it including the questions; " how can I have this baby? How can I provide for this baby?".

Not to even think of the set of circumstances and that might have even led up to this pregnancy or the urgencies in it.

Asking the question again, "can you spot someone who has had an abortion?" is to get you to reflect on the fact that there are no "types" of people who do. The only "type" of person is one that obviously had to weigh in many things to make that "choice", that "decision" to abort their unborn child.

However, what cannot always be "seen" easily to "spot" are issues of the heart and soul and mind. Many times, women and men both have expressed that after having an abortion they were left feeling: empty, emotionally dead, full of anger and/or rage, felt loneliness more often, found themselves in isolation more than normal, expressed having low self-esteem, often lying to friends and family, anxieties and even expressing generalized fear.

After seeking trauma healing for my own issues, I have since learned that "anyone" can be someone who has experienced abortion. Whether they were the woman that aborted or the man that encouraged it or the "would be grandparent/sibling"; anyone could be that someone.

62 Million abortions have been performed since 1973 (1), that is 1 abortion every 37 seconds!(1) 2362+ abortions per day, 98+ abortions per hour!(1) Here is the thing...

Many people do not know what to do AFTER they have had an abortion. They begin to experience so many physical changes, and emotional changes that no one ever warned them about, and only said, "You'll be fine." or "Your life will go back to normal." or "Don't worry, everything will be okay, it's just a clump of tissue." When in fact, all those were untruths!

90% of people find themselves wondering "now what" where do I get healing from this? (3) That is why I ask you if you can spot a person who has had an abortion.

Someone who has had an abortion begins to feel so many emotions that they often find themselves feeling utterly hopeless and unable to express their pain, their grief, guilt, regret and shame to another person. They live life what looks like to be "normal" on the outside all the while hiding their true selves behind their facade of a mask. Many times these are people in the American churches, sitting in seats right next to you. They may be an elderly person who during their young years, had "no choice", or it was left up to the woman because it was her body and her choice.

Regardless of the reasons, these people are people. Jesus calls His children to go out unto the nations to share the truth of God and to tell them about His gracious gift of forgiveness. As a believer in Jesus Christ, I am here to tell you that Jesus does offer healing from the pains of abortion. He offers healing from the heartbreak you may be experiencing, but walk around with it buried deep within, a forbidden secret that, "no one would ever understand." Friend, that right there is a lie from the enemy. Jesus understands. He has come to save us and reconcile us from our sins, our deeds that keep us separated from God the Father. Jesus desires you to be at peace and reconciled to Him. (John 3:17)

So, while we may not be able to "spot" someone who has had an abortion like we can "spot" a deer in a forest, we can spot truth in God's word that points us to the peace He offers and that gives us healing.

For God so loved the world that He sent His one and only Son, that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16)

In closing, I would like to encourage you to pause and take a look around you the next time you are in a crowd. Ponder what the lives of the people around you have been like, what things could they too have had to deal with. Not everyone lives a life where they are already exposed to the word of God and the loving sacrifice of Jesus. BUT- if you are- then you are commanded to tell others of that truth. You could be the one to "spot" the very next person who needs the love of Jesus and His peace that only comes from Him.

So, will you be a conduit of the love of Christ Jesus and try to "spot" someone who may need it? Be His dear child and live your life full of love, following the example of Christ. (Ephesians 5:2)

"Lord help me to be sensitive to those around me who might need you. Fill my mouth with your words Lord, drawing them close to you. For you are the giver of life, of peace and reconciliation. Amen."


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